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Easiest Way Ramen Noodles with Bok Choy and Egg Recipes

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Ramen Noodles with Bok Choy and Egg recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Ramen Noodles with Bok Choy and Egg

Before you jump to Ramen Noodles with Bok Choy and Egg recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Your Health Can Be Effected By The Foods You Choose To Eat.

On the subject of the foods that you eat, you will notice that your overall health can be effected either positively or even negatively. Something that you should not eat no matter what is the different foods that you will acquire at all of those take out places. These sorts of foods are packed with bad fat and also have hardly any nutritional value. On this page we are going to be going over foods that you need to be eating that can help you stay in good health.

Your main meals should also incorporate fish including salmon or perhaps lean proteins, as these will also be in a position to help your health. You will notice that salmon is also full of Omega-3 and other nutrients. Protein is vital for your diet, however you don't have to eat a large amount, as a 3 ounces is all you truly need. You should also trim off any fats that you find on the particular meats that you're planning to eat.

For people who want to begin living a healthier life the tips above can help you do that. One thing that you need to actually avoid is all of the processed foods which you can easily buy in the stores, and start preparing fresh foods for your meals.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let's go back to ramen noodles with bok choy and egg recipe. To cook ramen noodles with bok choy and egg you only need 13 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Ramen Noodles with Bok Choy and Egg:

  1. You need of Soup.
  2. Prepare of oil.
  3. Get of garlic.
  4. Take of sweet onion.
  5. Use of sambal oelek.
  6. Use of vegetable bouillion blocks.
  7. Take of Ramen noodles.
  8. Prepare of bamboo shoots.
  9. Take of bush of bok choy.
  10. Use of Topping.
  11. Use of eggs.
  12. Use of Fried onions.
  13. Use of Fresh parsley.

Instructions to make Ramen Noodles with Bok Choy and Egg:

  1. Boil the eggs in 5 min. Sort of soft. Scare under cold running water, peel and halve in length..
  2. Meanwhile heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic, onion and sambal on low heat for 5 minutes until the onion is tender..
  3. Add 1,5 liters of hot water and the broth blocks. Bring to the boil and add the Ramen. Cook for 2 and then add the bamboo shoots and the bok choy. Let it cook for another 2 minutes until the pak choi is slightly softer, but still firm.
  4. Divide the soup into 4 bowls and place an egg in each bowl. Sprinkle with the parsley or coriander and the fried onions..

If you find this Ramen Noodles with Bok Choy and Egg recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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