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Easiest Way Rice Cooker Squid Savoury Cake Recipes

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, looking for the perfect Rice Cooker Squid Savoury Cake recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Rice Cooker Squid Savoury Cake recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Rice Cooker Squid Savoury Cake

Before you jump to Rice Cooker Squid Savoury Cake recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about The Food Items You Pick To Eat Are Going To Effect Your Health.

With regards to the foods that you eat, you will find that your overall health can be effected either positively or negatively. One of the foods you should be avoiding is just about any foods you get at a fast food spot. The foods that you get from these fast food places are usually foods that are very unhealthy, loaded with fat and generally have little to no nutrition. This is why we are going to be going over the healthy foods that you should be ingesting that will have a good effect on your health.

Even though most of you have been told repeatedly that vegetables are good for you, and there is a really good reason why. You may already understand that most of the vitamins you need on a daily basis can be found in various vegetables, but you will also be able to find required potassium in vegetables as well. You will notice that one of the vegetables we are referring to is broccoli, which is full of potassium. Something else you might like to try is the next time you make a salad try using spinach rather than your traditional lettuce as you will find that there are a lot more nutrients that can be found in those leaves.

For those of you who want to get started living a more healthy life the tips above can help you do that. The pre packaged processed foods that you can get in any store is additionally not good for you and instead you should be cooking fresh nutritious foods.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let's go back to rice cooker squid savoury cake recipe. You can have rice cooker squid savoury cake using 15 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to cook Rice Cooker Squid Savoury Cake:

  1. Take of Squid Tube OR Rings *cut into small pieces.
  2. Provide of *Note: Squid can be replaced with Octopus, Shrimps or Prawns.
  3. Get of Eggs.
  4. Get of Oil.
  5. You need of finely chopped Spring Onions OR Cabbage.
  6. Get of Dashi Powder.
  7. Provide of Self-Raising Flour.
  8. Take of White Pepper.
  9. Provide of Benishoga (Red Pickled Ginger).
  10. Get of Salt * add extra 1/4 teaspoon if you serve without the sauce.
  11. Use of <Toppings>.
  12. Get of ‘Okonomiyaki’ Sauce OR ‘Takoyaki’ Sauce.
  13. Provide of Aonori (Dried Green Laver Flakes).
  14. Get of Katsuobushi (Bonito Flakes).
  15. Take of Japanese Mayonnaise.

Steps to make Rice Cooker Squid Savoury Cake:

  1. Line the base of rice cooker’s inner pot with baking paper. *Note: The cake can be cooked using a frying pan in the way you cook pancakes, OR baked in the oven..
  2. Place all ingredients except for Benishoga (Red Pickled Ginger) in a large heat-proof bowl, mix to combine well. Add Benishoga (Red Pickled Ginger) and lightly mix..
  3. Pour the mixture into the prepared rice cooker’s inner pot and press ‘Start’ button at ‘Cake’ setting..
  4. Turn out on a plate, and carefully peel away baking paper. Serve hot with/without your favourite toppings. *Note: I used my 10 cup capacity rice cooker which inner pot is 20cm in diameter. It took 40 minutes to cook..
  5. Oven Baking: Pour the mixture into a buttered baking dish, and bake in the oven at 200℃ for 30 to 40 minutes or until cooked. It would be quicker if you use Muffin Pan..

If you find this Rice Cooker Squid Savoury Cake recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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