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Simple Way Eggnog Recipes

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Eggnog recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.


Before you jump to Eggnog recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Your Overall Health Can Be Impacted By The Foods You Choose To Eat.

One thing that some of you may already know is that by consuming the right foods can have a huge effect on your health. Its also wise to understand that there are foods that you will need to avoid at all costs and that would be most food you find at the fast food chain restaurants. These kinds of foods are packed with bad fat and also have very little nutritional value. You will be delighted to know that we are going to tell you a few of the foods that you need to be eating every day.

Also when you are searching for a snack to hold you over between meals, reach for a handful of nuts or seeds. You will come to realize that these snack items are generally loaded with Omega-3 and Omega-6, although some nuts and also seeds will have much more than others. Your entire body will use these kinds of fatty acids as a building block for creating hormones that your body demands to stay healthy. The first thing you may not realize is that various hormones that you need will only be able to be produced when you have these types of fatty acids.

If you decide that your overall health is important to you, you should take these suggestions to heart. The pre packaged processed foods that you can discover in any store is in addition not good for you and as an alternative you should be cooking fresh nutritious foods.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to eggnog recipe. You can have eggnog using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to cook Eggnog:

  1. You need of Milk.
  2. Provide of Cream.
  3. Use of Caster Sugar.
  4. Take of Vanilla Extract.
  5. Get of Egg Yolks.
  6. Take of Caster Sugar.
  7. Prepare of Brandy and/or Rum *OR liquor of your choice.
  8. Provide of Egg Whites.
  9. Use of Grated Nutmeg *optional.

Instructions to make Eggnog:

  1. Combine Milk, Cream, Sugar and Vanilla in a saucepan, and heat over a medium heat. When it started boiling, remove from heat..
  2. Place Egg Yolks and 1 tablespoon Sugar in a a bowl, use a whisk to beat until sugar is well dissolved. Then slowly whisk in the milk mixture until smooth. *Note: The temperature of the milk mixture should be over 70C which cooks egg yolk..
  3. Add Brandy and/or Rum, and mix. Cool in the fridge..
  4. Beat Egg Whites in a bowl until soft peaks form. Gently fold into chilled eggnog and combine well. *Alternatively, you blend the Egg Whites and eggnog in a blender..
  5. Serve with grated Nutmeg if you like, but I like it without Nutmeg..

You wont believe how easy and DELICIOUS homemade Eggnog is, and this recipe really is the best! Eggnog Recipe: Eggnog is a delicious traditional holiday drink, best made fresh and served immediately! Making it fresh will change your mind. Eggnog is the type of drink that people either love or really really hate. We fall into the camp of people who love it.

If you find this Eggnog recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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