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Simple Way Ricotta & Rum Raisin Tarts New Recipes

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, looking for the perfect Ricotta & Rum Raisin Tarts recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Ricotta & Rum Raisin Tarts recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Ricotta & Rum Raisin Tarts

Before you jump to Ricotta & Rum Raisin Tarts recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Picking The Right Foods Will Help You Stay Fit As Well As Healthy.

Many men and women do not understand that the foods you choose can either help you to be healthy or can negatively effect your health. Its also wise to realize that there are foods that you will need to avoid at all costs and that would be most food you find at the fast food chain restaurants. The foods that you get from these fast food places are generally foods that are incredibly unhealthy, loaded with fat and generally have little to no nutrition. You will be delighted to know that we are going to tell you a few of the foods that you need to be eating every day.

Citrus fruit will be one of the greatest things that you could have for your desserts, rather than having a piece of cake or ice cream. In addition to vitamin C, you will discover that there are many other health benefits that you will find in these types of fruits. You may also want to combine a number of things like orange sections, shredded coconut blended with a teaspoon of honey.

Following some of the suggestions above you will find that you'll be living a healthier life. Also if you remove all the unhealthy food that you shouldn't be eating anyway, you might find that you could end up living a longer life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to ricotta & rum raisin tarts recipe. To make ricotta & rum raisin tarts you need 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Ricotta & Rum Raisin Tarts:

  1. You need of <Basic Shortcrust Pastry>.
  2. You need of Butter *softened.
  3. Provide of Caster Sugar.
  4. Take of Egg.
  5. Prepare of & 2/3 cups Plain Flour *You can add extra 1 tablespoon if Egg is large.
  6. Use of <Filling>.
  7. You need of Ricotta *room temperature.
  8. Get of Cream Cheese *OR extra Ricotta, room temperature.
  9. Take of Caster Sugar.
  10. Use of Egg *room temperature.
  11. You need of Rum Steeped Raisins OR Sultanas *See

Steps to make Ricotta & Rum Raisin Tarts:

  1. Beat softened Butter and Sugar until smooth. Beat in Egg and mix well. Add Flour and combine, bring the mixture together, and shape into a thick log. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 2 hours to firm up..
  2. Cut the log into 12 discs. Flatten each pastry disc and form into a cup shape, and place into each cup. Press the pastry to cover the cup to the top, making the pastry evenly thin..
  3. Preheat the oven to 170°C..
  4. Mix Ricotta, softened Cream Cheese and Caster Sugar in a bowl, add Egg and Rosins (OR Sultanas), and mix well. This mixture should be at room temperature or slightly warm..
  5. Spoon the mixture into each pastry cup. Place in the oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until pastry is browned..
  6. Leave to cool in the muffin tin for 5 minutes then move to a wire rack to cool completely..

Ricotta infornata, or baked ricotta , has a distinctive tan crust, a toasty flavor, and a firm but supple texture comparable to cheesecake's; Italians often eat it with bread or as part of an antipasto platter. Soft and creamy ricotta can be used in a huge variety of dishes, from gnocchi and gnudi to pancakes and cheesecake. Homemade Ricotta Gnocchi with Fresh Herbs. Total Time Ricotta was originally created in Italy to use up the whey when a cheesemaker separates milk or cream into curds and whey for other cheeses. Ricotta feels smooth but slightly grainy.

If you find this Ricotta & Rum Raisin Tarts recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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